What Disney Princess Sister Am I Quiz

I did say I was going to write Christmas related articles here, but I've been wanting to write this one for a while, but I've been putting it off because I thought that pretty much everyone had the same list, but after thinking about it some parts of the list can variate from person to person though I believe that most of you will agree with my top 5. Anyway this was by far the hardest list I've ever written, the top 5 where settled in stone, but the rest where really hard to place. I based this on many aspects, but mostly on if the princess has both her parents alive, one parent alive or is an orphan, that aspect helped making this list a little easier to do. But keep in mind when reading this that none of the Disney Princesses had it easy. So anyway enjoy this article
Oh and all images except the Merida one are made by me

13. Mulan

She lives with both her parents aswell as her grandma which means that she probably had the best childhood one could ask for except maybe losing the rest of her grandparents, that's why she's at the bottom. But as the movie progresses we see that she doesn't have it easy, first she fails at impressing the matchmaker, second she sees her father getting a paper so he can join in the army and so much more

12. Merida

Similar to Mulan Merida also lives with both her parents, but she also has three younger brothers. She also has a lot of freedom, but what puts her higher than Mulan is that she isn't happy with her life and her princess lessons. To top it off she also has to deal with marriage which she's against. But she's not any higher because both her parents are alive and some of the things which would seem bad normally aren't as bad when you think of the fact that they're happening because of Merida herself (poisoning her mother aswell as her three younger brothers)

11. Tiana

I placed Tiana quite low because she seemed to have lived a great childhood growing up with both her parents, but when we see her as an adult she only has her mother left which is why she's higher than Mulan and Merida. Not only that, but she has to work hard to earn money so she can open up her own resturant and when she has got enough she can't get her resturant because someone else wanted it

10. Belle

Similar to Merida Belle wasn't happy with her life, but she's higher than Merida because only her father is alive. Also not only that, but Belle is also an outkast and deals like Merida with unwanted marriage, however in Belle's case I don't think she was against marriage, only against marrying Gaston and he asks her pretty much throughout the entire movie if she wants to marry him to which she always says no, but he doesn't listen

9. Ariel

Another princess who wasn't happy with her life and who only has her father left aswell as 7 older sisters, but she's higher than Belle because of her father being quite overprotective during majority of the movie and because of that she also has a slight lack of freedom which also puts her this high on the list

8. Pocahontas

The main reason to why Pocahontas is this high on the list is that she's the only Disney Princess to not have a happy ending, anyway like many of the previous princesses on this list Pocahontas only has her father left and she also has to deal with unwanted marriage a bit similar to Belle. Not only that, but as soon as the europeans have arrived Pocahontas isn't allowed to go so far which means that she loses a bit freedom which places her this high on the list

7. Jasmine

Another princess who only has her father left and has to deal with unwanted marriage, not only that, but she also has to marry in just 3 days at least the other princess that dealt with unwanted marriage didn't have limits of when to do so, but what especially places Jasmine this high is that she doesn't have so much freedom mainly during her first minutes of screentime

6. Aurora

Like Mulan both of Aurora's parents are alive, but what places Aurora higher than Mulan is that she had to live away from her parents (luckily for a good reason), however Aurora does love her life there, but the thing that makes her life hard is when she finds out that her entire life was just a lie

5. Rapunzel

Another case where both the princess's parents are alive, but like Aurora Rapunzel had to live away from her parents, but not for a good reason, first of all she gets kidnapped, then she gets locked in a tower so she has no single freedom at all (it's quite lucky that she chooses to keep herself active in the tower), then she gets abused and like Aurora she later finds out that her entire life was just a lie

4. Anna

At first it looks like Anna lives the perfect life, but then things quickly starts to go downhill from the moment her sister accidentally hits her head with her ice powers, first she becomes lonely and wonders why her sister keeps shuting her out. Then she loses both her parents and then she gets hitted again by her sister's ice powers, this time in the heart meaning she faces a near death situation

3. Elsa

Her sister may have lived a horrible life, but it's not so bad when you compare it to Elsa's, she lives in constant fear of her ice powers and she shuts herself out from the world due to this which means she doesn't give herself any form of freedom. Worst of all the constant fear of her ice powers is kept up until the end when she finally learns to control her powers

2. Cinderella

Where do I even begin with this one? First off Cinderella loses her mother when she's just a baby, then she loses her father at a quite young age, then she faces abuse and then she's forced to become a servant in her own house. No wonder many people admires her (me included). But she's not any higher because even though her stepmother was jealous of her beauty it's lucky that the stepmother didn't go as far as to kill Cinderella

1. Snow White

Snow White and Cinderella live pretty similar lives, both loses their parents at young age and has to live with a stepmother who forces them to work and both of their stepmother are jealous of their beauty. But what places Snow White higher is because her stepmother went as far as trying to kill her

What Disney Princess Sister Am I Quiz

Source: https://www.fanpop.com/clubs/disney-princess/articles/251423/title/sweetie-94s-list-disney-princesses-with-worst-life

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